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3CDSG | A deep dive into the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the implications and response from the West | 3 March 2022

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Please find a recording of the presentation here:

A deep dive into the Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the implications and response from the West

This event will be delivered fully virtually.


Presented by:

Professor Adrian Kendry, Former NATO Senior Defence Economist and Strategic Adviser to the 12th NATO Secretary General, Visiting Professor of Global Economics, Defence and Security, The New Model In Technology and Engineering, Hereford

Nicolas Groffman, Partner, Head of International Team, Harrison Clark Rickerbys solicitors


Join us for our 'deep dive' webinar in which former NATO Defence Advisor, Prof Adrian Kendry, will cover the antecedents to the present invasion of Ukraine and the timeline from 2014 including the deposal of pro-Russian Ukrainian President Yanukovich, the Russian invasion of Crimea and the ensuing fragility of the Minsk peace process.

In this in depth review, Prof Kendry will discuss the impact of Russia's actions on Global economic instability including the impact of escalating gas and oil prices and disrupted supply chains; financial and economic dislocation of the Russian Federation and European stock markets turbulence and cover the geography of Russia and tensions on the borders with EU and NATO members in the Baltic States and Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.

He will assess Putin's dream of reconstituting Russia after the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union; the changing face of European and global geo-economic and geopolitical energy relations; Russia and China’s complex and strengthening relationship; and the wider geopolitical implications of the Ukraine crisis.

He will also review the potency or impotency of sanctions: Russia’s economic and invasion planning for autarky and the strengthening of the Collective Security Treaty Organisation Agreement or disagreement among European (including the UK) and North American countries regarding the scale and scope of  sanctions.

Finally he will look at the broader consequences:the vulnerability of Odessa and the Black Sea region; the complication of NATO Turkey’s relationship with Russia and NATO solidarity; the vulnerability of NATO’s partners Finland and Sweden; the fragility of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the stark alternative scenarios and Putin’s irrational dangerous strategic planning and the unfolding of the crisis into March and beyond.

Nicolas Groffman, Partner and Head of International Team at Top 70 law firm, Harrison Clark Rickerbys, will explore the legal and business perspective of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

Nicolas is based in the UK and manages the international practice of Harrison Clark Rickerbys solicitors, including in the US, China, India and Europe. He worked overseas for nearly 20 years including 16 in mainland China, and he speaks and reads Chinese.

Nicolas has handled transactions and disputes involving Ukraine, Russia, the Baltic states and Poland, and has advised on the operation of sanctions, cybersecurity in high risk countries, and state secrets.

Nicolas will discuss the issues facing organisations who do business within the affected regions, and advise on solutions that work politically and commercially as well as legally. 

Business Resources:

  • Trade: The Department for International Trade (DIT) recommend that concerned companies trading with Ukraine and Russia contact the Export Support Service (ESS) on 0300-303-8955 or visit ESS landing page
  • Financial sanctions: contact the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation or subscribe to the Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation’s e-alerts
  • Transport sanctions: contact the Department for Transport on
  • General information on sanctions: contact the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office’s Sanctions Unit on
  • Changes to visas: The Home Office has announced that Ukrainians who are on work, study or visit visas in the UK will have their visas temporarily extended or be able to switch onto different visa routes
  • Cyber security: The National Cyber Security Centre is urging all UK businesses to strengthen their cyber resilience. They have issued a 5-step guide. 
  • Legal Advice: For legal information relating to doing business in Ukraine please contact Nicolas Groffman, Partner, Head of International Team, Harrison Clark Rickerbys  


14.00 Welcome Sam Lewis, Head of HR NMITE, volunteer Board Member, 3CDSG 

14.03 'You may not be interested in you, but war is interested in you' (ad. Leon Trotsky). A deep dive into the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the implications and response from the West - Prof Adrian Kendry

14.35 Q&A 

14.40 'The business and legal perspective of the Russian invasion of Ukraine' - Nicolas Groffman, Partner, Head of International Team, Harrison Clark Rickerbys

14.50 Q&A

15.00 CLOSE

Date and time

Thursday 3 March 2022

14:00 – 15.00 GMT



If you would like to register for the event, please REGISTER HERE


Although members may attend our events for free, we are also waiving our non-member charge for this special event. If you wish to make a donation to a charity supporting the people of Ukraine the following charities* provide support:

UK based:  - A group of 15 leading UK aid charities. UK Gov has announced it will match public donations pound-for-pound up to £20M

Direct support for Ukrainian and Polish organisations:


*please ensure you independently verify any charity to which you donate

  1. Join us for our 'deep dive' webinar in which former NATO Defence Advisor, Prof Adrian Kendry, will cover the antecedents to the present invasion of Ukraine and the timeline from 2014 including the dep ...
  2. Nicolas Groffman, Partner and Head of International Team at Top 70 law firm, Harrison Clark Rickerbys, explores the legal and business perspective of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Nicolas is based ...







